Friday, 29 May 2015

Two Anatomical Society Summer Studentship successes

The Anatomical Society has awarded Summer Studentships to two undergraduate students in the Anatomy Department 

  • Toby Andrews "The developmental basis of branchial anomalies" to work with Professor Anthony Graham
  • Tom Baxter "A genetic anatomy of the inhibitory neurons in the avian first order auditory nuclei" to work with Dr Richard Wingate

Monday, 11 May 2015

Service of Thanksgiving for Body Donation: May 15th

The annual service of thanksgiving for all who donated their bodies to medical and biomedical education will be held at Southwark Cathedral at 11 am on Friday May 15th. The service is organised by the London Anatomy Office on behalf of the London and South East Committee of Anatomists

Friday, 8 May 2015

Lectures in Life Sciences: From DNA to diversity: did new genes drive animal evolution?

Professor Peter Holland 
Department Zoology, University of Oxford

Thursday May 21st at 5.00 pm in the Anatomy Lecture Theatre, Hodgkin Building, Guy's Campus